What nursery rhymes are about rain?

a boat, an umbrella and rain drops shows post about Nursery rhymes about rain

Hey there, rain-loving pals! ☔️ Have you ever wondered why nursery rhymes are always singing about rain? Well, grab your umbrellas and let's dive into the magical world of nursery rhymes and their rainy tales! πŸŒˆπŸ’¦

1. 🌧️ "Rain, Rain, Go Away" 🌧️

This classic rhyme is like a little weather chant, isn't it? 🌦️ It's believed to have originated in England, where the unpredictable weather often played hide-and-seek with outdoor plans. Kids probably sang this hoping to coax the rain clouds away so they could enjoy some sunshine! πŸŒ₯️

2. ☔️ "It's Raining, It's Pouring" ☔️

It's raining, it's pouring, The old man is snoring. He went to bed and bumped his head, And couldn't get up in the morning.

Picture this: a cozy rainy day, an old man taking a nap, and the rhythmic sound of raindrops. Can you feel the peace? ☺️ This rhyme paints a vivid picture of a rainy day scene, showing that even a storm can be a perfect time to relax and recharge.

3. 🌈 "Rainbow Song" 🌈

🎢 *I see the rainbow in the sky, shiny and so high* 🎢

🎡 I see the rainbow in the sky, shiny and so high, After the rain has gone away, colors brighten up the day. Red and orange, yellow too, green and blue, and violet too, Like a painting up so high, in the sky so bright and wide. 🎡

Ah, rainbows! 🌈 They're nature's way of saying, "Hey, rain can be beautiful too!" This nursery rhyme teaches us to find the silver lining (or rather, the rainbow lining!) even on the gloomiest days. It's a reminder that after every storm, there's something wonderful waiting for us.

4. πŸŽ΅ Raindrops falling from the sky, ☔️

Making the world look bright and new. 🌈

Rain, rain, come and stay, ☂️
We love you on a rainy day. πŸ’§πŸŒ¦️

This enchanting verse paints a vivid picture of a world transformed by rain. The rhythmic pitter-patter of raindrops against windows creates a soothing melody, and as the heavens weep, they gift us with a landscape that gleams with freshness and vibrancy. 🌈

"Rain, rain, come and stay," beckons an invitation to the skies to linger a while longer. With open hearts, we welcome the rain, for it brings a sense of renewal and tranquility to our lives. Under the sheltering canopy of umbrellas, we find joy and comfort in the gentle touch of raindrops. πŸ’§πŸŒ¦️

5. Rain, rain, come and wash the car, 🌧️πŸš—✨
And make it shiny like a star. ✨
Rain, rain, come and wash the street, 🌧️πŸ›£️
And make it clean, head to feet. 🌧️πŸ‘£

This delightful verse extends an open invitation to the rain, asking it to perform a sparkling transformation. "Rain, rain, come and wash the car," implores the heavens to cleanse vehicles, leaving them glistening like celestial stars. The promise of a renewed, lustrous sheen dances in the air. πŸš—✨

"Rain, rain, come and wash the street," calls out for a thorough cleanse, from top to bottom. The streets, like eager feet, eagerly await their refreshing bath, longing to be scrubbed clean by the gentle touch of rain. The result is a thorough and rejuvenating wash from head to toe. 🌧️πŸ›

This nursery rhyme beautifully captures the enchantment and potential for renewal that rainy days bring, turning them into a whimsical cleansing ritual for both our rides and our roads. 🌦️🧽

6. 🌧️🌳🌿 **Rain, rain, come and feed the trees,** So they can grow up big and please. 🌱🌈 🌧️πŸ‘πŸ’¦ **Rain, rain, come and water the lawn,** So it can be green and soft as dawn. πŸŒ±πŸŒ…

πŸŒΏπŸ’– Have you ever thought about how rain helps our beautiful green friends grow and thrive? Let's dive into this nursery rhyme and discover the magic of rain's touch on our surroundings! 🌧️🌟

This is like a heartfelt plea to the rain, asking it to give our leafy companions the nourishment they need. Imagine those little raindrops soaking into the soil, bringing life and vitality to the trees. It's like nature's own gentle hug! πŸ€—πŸŒΏ

So they can grow up big and please. 🌱🌈

And grow they do! With each drop, the trees stretch their branches towards the sky, reaching for the sun's warm embrace. They bloom into magnificent giants, standing tall and proud, ready to bring shade, beauty, and joy to the world around. 🌳🌞

Rain, rain, come and water the lawn, 🌧️🏑

Next, the rhyme turns its attention to the humble lawn, asking for a sip of rain's goodness. Picture the grass blades eagerly soaking up the water, turning vibrant green and springy underfoot. It's like a plush carpet inviting us to dance and play! πŸ’ƒπŸŒΏ

So it can be green and soft as dawn. πŸŒ±πŸŒ…

As the rain showers down, the lawn transforms into a soft, inviting haven. It's like waking up to the gentle touch of morning light, promising a new day full of possibilities. The grass becomes a comforting embrace, inviting us to lay down and dream. 😴🌱

This nursery rhyme beautifully reminds us of the nurturing power of rain, turning our surroundings into a lush, vibrant paradise. So next time you hear rain's sweet melody, think of the trees and lawns rejoicing in their own special way! 🎢🌿

7. 🌧️πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³ Rain, rain, come and play with me, Let's have a rainy day party. 🌦️🎈 πŸŽΆπŸ’ƒπŸ•Ί We'll sing and dance and splash and play, And have a whole lot of fun today. πŸŽ΅πŸŒŠπŸ€—

This verse is an invitation to embrace the raindrops and turn them into our own magical party. 🎈🌧️

Rain, rain, come and play with me.

Imagine the sky responding to our call, as raindrops join in our merriment. It's like nature itself wants to be a part of our special day! The thought of raindrops falling gently around us creates a cozy, inviting atmosphere. 🌧️🌟

Let's have a rainy day party. 🌦️🎈

Who says parties are just for sunny days? This verse encourages us to turn any day into a celebration. With rain as our backdrop, our party becomes uniquely enchanting, promising a day filled with laughter and joy. πŸŽ‰πŸŽΆ

We'll sing and dance and splash and play. 🌦️🎈

We're not holding back! Our voices harmonize with the rhythm of the rain, and we sway and twirl to the beat of nature's music. The sound of raindrops becomes our cheerful orchestra, accompanying every move. And oh, the splashing! It's like a playful symphony of its own! πŸ’ƒπŸŽ΅πŸŒŠ

And have a whole lot of fun today. 🌦️πŸ€—

This verse is a promise of pure, unadulterated joy. Rain or shine, we're making memories and cherishing each moment. Laughter fills the air, and the day is painted with hues of happiness. It's a reminder that fun knows no bounds, especially on a day like today! 🎨🌈

8. Rain, rain, I love to hear, 🌦️πŸ’•
Your pitter-patter, soft and clear. 🌍🌧️ Rain, rain, I love to see, ✨🌧️ The way you make the world so free.🌧️🎡

Rain, rain, I love to hear. 🌦️πŸ’•

Close your eyes and listen. Can you hear it? The soft, rhythmic percussion of raindrops dancing on rooftops and leaves. It's like nature's own lullaby, serenading us into a peaceful trance. 🎢🌧️

Your pitter-patter, soft and clear.🌦️πŸ’•

Each drop carries its own tune, creating a melody that soothes the soul. It's a sound that whispers secrets of the earth, inviting us to listen closely and become one with the moment. 🌧️🎡

Rain, rain, I love to see.🌦️πŸ’•

Open your eyes and look around. The world transforms, doesn't it? Rain paints everything with a fresh, glistening sheen. It's as if every surface is adorned with tiny, shimmering jewels, reflecting the beauty of the world back to us. ✨🌧️

The way you make the world so free.🌦️πŸ’•

Rain washes away the dust of routine, releasing the fragrance of nature's vitality. It's a liberation, a reminder that in the dance of rain, we find a sense of freedom, a connection to something larger than ourselves. 🌍🌧️

9. Rain, rain, come and wash the air, πŸƒπŸŒ§️
And make it fresh and clean and fair. πŸ’¨πŸŒ§️ Rain, rain, we need you so, 🌬️🌸 To help the Earth's life grow 🌧️🌏🌿

This verse is a gentle plea to the heavens, asking for the touch of rain to cleanse and rejuvenate the very air we breathe. πŸƒπŸŒ§️

Rain, rain, come and wash the air,

Imagine the sky responding to our call, as raindrops purify the atmosphere. It's as if nature itself is giving us a clean slate, a fresh beginning. The air becomes crisper, carrying the promise of new beginnings. πŸ’¨πŸŒ§️

And make it fresh and clean and fair. 🌬️🌸

With each drop, the air is infused with a sense of renewal. It's like a gentle sigh of relief, as if the Earth is taking a deep, cleansing breath. Everything feels lighter, brighter, and more alive. 🌱🌺

Rain, rain, we need you so,

This verse is a heartfelt acknowledgment of how vital rain is to the cycle of life. It's not just a want, but a need, a fundamental part of nurturing the Earth's diverse ecosystems. Rain is the lifeblood that allows nature to flourish. 🌧️🌏🌿

To help the Earth's life grow. 🌍🌱

As the rain falls, it brings with it the promise of growth and vitality. Seeds eagerly absorb the moisture, roots drink in the sustenance, and life awakens in every corner. It's a beautiful reminder of nature's resilience and its capacity to bloom, even after the driest spells. 🌿🌧️

10. Rain, rain, falling down, 🌧️🌟
On the ground and all around. Making puddles for us to splash, 🌧️🌿 And filling up the empty bath.

This verse is an ode to the simple joys of raindrops, as they transform our surroundings into a watery wonderland! 🌧️🌟
Rain, rain, falling down, Close your eyes and imagine the dance of raindrops, descending from the heavens to Earth. It's like a gentle serenade, a rhythmic beat that awakens the world. The air is filled with the refreshing scent of rain-kissed earth. 🌧️🌿 On the ground and all around. Every surface becomes a canvas for rain's artistry. Pavements and roads transform into shimmering rivers, reflecting the beauty above. It's as if the whole world is joining in the rain's graceful ballet. 🌍✨ Making puddles for us to splash, Ah, puddles! They beckon with their promise of delightful mischief. Each step becomes a splashy adventure, a chance to be a child again, laughing in the face of the rain. It's a reminder that even in adulthood, there's magic in every drop. πŸ’¦πŸ‘£ And filling up the empty bath. πŸ›πŸ’§ Indoors, rain brings a different kind of joy. The sound of it pitter-pattering on the roof is a soothing lullaby, creating the perfect ambiance for a relaxing soak. The bath fills, and as you sink into its warmth, you're embraced by the comfort of the rain outside. πŸ›πŸŒ§️ 11. Rain, rain, come and play with me, 🌧️🐾
With the animals all day. The birds will bathe, the dogs will run, πŸ¦πŸ›πŸΆπŸƒ And everyone will have some fun.

Rain, rain, come and play with me,

Imagine raindrops inviting animals of all shapes and sizes to join in the fun. It's as if the rain itself has turned into a mischievous companion, beckoning everyone to partake in a day of adventure. 🌧️🐾

With the animals all day.

The stage is set, and our furry and feathered friends eagerly gather to revel in the watery festivities. From squirrels to sparrows, each creature finds its own unique way to embrace the rain's playful embrace. 🌦️🐿️🐦

The birds will bathe, the dogs will run,

Above, the birds take to the rain like a spa day for their feathers. They frolic in puddles, each splash a celebration of freedom and joy. Down below, dogs bound through the rain-soaked grass, their tails wagging in gleeful abandon. It's a symphony of movement and happiness. πŸ¦πŸ›πŸΆπŸƒ

And everyone will have some fun. πŸŽ‰

Laughter fills the air as nature's creatures revel in this special day. It's a reminder that joy knows no bounds, and that even the simplest pleasures can create moments of pure, unbridled delight. 🌟🐾

12. Rain, rain, falling fast, 🎡🌧️
The wind is blowing, the sky is overcast. But we don't mind, we're cozy and warm, 🌧️πŸ”₯🌟 Safe and sound inside our home.

Rain, rain, falling fast,

As raindrops tap against windows and rooftops, there's a sense of urgency in their descent. It's as if nature is orchestrating a gentle percussion, setting the rhythm for a day of rest and reflection. 🎡🌧️

The wind is blowing, the sky is overcast.

Beyond our cozy sanctuary, the world outside is in motion. The wind whistles its own tune, and the sky wears a quilt of clouds, enveloping everything in a comforting, silvery-gray embrace. 🌬️πŸŒ₯️

But we don't mind, we're cozy and warm,

Inside, there's a sanctuary of warmth. The air is filled with the scent of familiarity and safety. Wrapped in blankets, with a mug of something comforting, we find solace in the knowledge that we're shielded from the elements. ☕πŸ”₯

Safe and sound inside our home. 🏑🌟

In the midst of the storm, our home stands strong, a fortress of comfort and security. It's a haven that shields us from the elements, allowing us to find peace in the midst of nature's beautiful chaos. πŸ›‘️🌧️

13. Raindrops falling on the roof, 🌦️πŸ‘πŸ’•
Making a gentle lullaby. It's the perfect day to stay inside, 🎢🌧️ And read a book, or take a nap, or hide.

Raindrops falling on the roof,

Picture it: the rhythmic dance of raindrops, each one contributing to a symphony of serenity. It's like nature's own melody, inviting us to slow down and revel in its gentle cadence. 🎢🌧️

Making a gentle lullaby.

As the rain serenades us, there's a sense of calm that washes over. It's a lullaby that cradles us in its tender embrace, inviting us to close our eyes and let go of the worries of the world. πŸ’€πŸŒ§️

It's the perfect day to stay inside,

Outside, the world glistens with the fresh touch of rain. But inside, it's a haven of comfort and contentment. It's a day that beckons us to curl up with a good book, a steaming cup of tea, and lose ourselves in the worlds that words create. ☕πŸ“š

And read a book, or take a nap, or hide. πŸ“–πŸ’€πŸ™ˆ

The choices are endless on a day like today. We can lose ourselves in the pages of a story, surrender to the sweet temptation of a nap, or simply take a moment to hide away from the world, relishing the quietude that rain brings. πŸ“–πŸ’€πŸŒ§️

13. Rain, rain, come and wash my face, 🌧️🌿🌟
And wake me up with your gentle embrace. Rain, rain, I love to see, 🌧️🌿 The way you make the world so new and free.

Rain, rain, come and wash my face,

Imagine the raindrops delicately kissing our skin, like nature's own wake-up call. It's as if each drop carries a message, urging us to rise and greet the day with renewed energy and open hearts. πŸ’§πŸŒΈ

And wake me up with your gentle embrace.

The rain's embrace is like a comforting hug from the universe. It's a reminder that even in the midst of storms, there's a gentle tenderness that soothes and nurtures our souls. It's an awakening, a call to be present in the moment. πŸ€—πŸŒ§️

Rain, rain, I love to see,

Open your eyes and take in the world around you. The rain transforms everything it touches, doesn't it? It's like a painter's brush, adding soft strokes of freshness and newness to the canvas of nature. 🎨🌧️

The way you make the world so new and free.

With each drop, the world sheds its weariness and takes on a vibrant, youthful glow. It's like a dance of liberation, a celebration of the freedom that comes with every rain shower. The world feels alive and teeming with potential. 🌍🌧️πŸ¦‹

14. Rain, rain, I love you so, 🌧️πŸ’ž
You make the world a better place to go. Rain, rain, I'm glad you're here, 🌧️πŸ’ž To wash away all my fears.

Rain, rain, I love you so,
Close your eyes and feel the love in the air. Raindrops fall, like little messengers of affection from the sky, reminding us of the simple joys that nature brings. It's as if the world itself is giving us a tender caress, letting us know we're cared for. 🌧️πŸ’ž You make the world a better place to go. With every drop, the world undergoes a transformation. The air turns crisp, the colors more vibrant, and the earth seems to sigh in relief. It's like nature is painting a masterpiece just for us, inviting us to step out and explore its newly refreshed beauty. 🎨🌏 Rain, rain, I'm glad you're here, Acknowledge the rain with a grateful heart. It's like an old friend returning, bringing comfort and familiarity. Its presence soothes our souls, washing away the residue of stress and worry. 🌧️🏑 To wash away all my fears. 🌊🌈 As the rain washes over us, it's as if it carries away our fears and doubts. Each drop is a promise of renewal, a reminder that even in our most challenging moments, there is a cleansing, a chance to start anew. 🌧️🌱 15. Rain, rain, come again,
And bring your friends. We love the way you make the world so bright, Rain, rain, come again tonight

Rain, rain, come again,

Picture the sky responding to our cheerful call, as raindrops join in like a cascade of confetti, celebrating the wonders of nature. It's as if the rain itself is our eager friend, ready to join the party! πŸŽ‰πŸŒ§️

And bring your friends.

Imagine each raindrop bringing along its merry companions, creating a lively chorus of nature's own symphony. It's a gathering of watery stars, ready to light up the world with their glistening performance. ✨πŸ’§

We love the way you make the world so bright,

As rain graces our surroundings, there's a certain magic that happens, isn't there? The world sparkles with renewed vibrancy, as if every surface is adorned with a sprinkle of stardust. It's a reminder that even in the midst of a downpour, there's beauty all around. 🌍🌟

Rain, rain, come again tonight.

This verse is like an eager plea to the rain, asking it to return for a nighttime encore. There's something truly special about rain at night, as it turns the world into a dreamscape of shimmering wonder. It's an invitation to let the rain serenade us to sleep. 🌜🌧️πŸ’€

(Source - Google)

So, there you have it! Nursery rhymes are like little stories woven with raindrops and sunshine. They remind us that even on rainy days, there's magic to be found. So go ahead, splash in puddles, chase rainbows, and let the rhythm of rain inspire your imagination! 🌧️πŸ’«

Keep singing, keep dancing, and always cherish the beauty of rainy days! ☔️πŸ’–

Until next time, my rain-loving buddies! 🌦️🎢

With love and rainbows,

Nursery rhymes girl🌈☂️

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