Free song lyrics for kids |This is the way song (Morning routine song)

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Free nursery rhyme lyrics about 'Morning routine'

Free nursery rhyme lyrics about 'Morning routine'

Free nursery rhyme lyrics about 'Morning routine'

Free nursery rhyme lyrics about 'Morning routine'

Free nursery rhyme lyrics about 'Morning routine'

Free nursery rhyme lyrics about 'Morning routine'

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This is the way I make my bed make my bed, make my bed This is the way I make my bed With my brother and sister This is the way I brush my teeth Brush my teeth, brush my teeth This is the way I brush my teeth With my brother and sister This is the way I wash my face Wash my face, wash my face This is the way I wash my face With my brother and sister This is the way I wear my cloths Wear my cloths, wear my cloths This is the way I wear my cloths With my brother and sister
This is the way I put on my shoes Put on my shoes, put on my shoes This is the way I put on my shoes With my brother and sister This is the way I comb my hair Comb my hair, comb my hair This is the way I comb my hair With my brother and sister

This is the way I eat breakfast
This is the way I eat breakfast
Eat breakfast, eat breakfast
Eat breakfast, eat breakfast
This is the way I hug my parents
This is the way I hug my parents
Hug my mom, hug my dad
Hug my mom, hug my dad

This is the way we go to school
This is the way we go to school
Go to school, go to school
Go to school, go to school

Written By- Nursery Rhymes  
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Luna Moon said…
What a cute and helpful song! Thanks for sharing the song lyrics for it.