Which is the best nursery rhyme to sing for a toddler?

Hello Rhymees :) It's the questions/answers time.

Series 1.
Question 1.

best song to sing for a toddler

Which is the best nursery rhyme to sing for a toddler? 

This is one of the most requested questions from nursery rhyme creators.
What do you think?

enjoying with toddlers

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Tracy Albiero said…
I always sang You are my sunshine to my little girl when she was little. I will even sing it to her now as an 8 year old.
Poorna Banerjee said…
I used to sing Little Miss Muppet to my sister.
It has been so long sing I sang to a newborn, I used to sign traditional Spanish songs.
Marjie Mare said…
This makes me think about when my kids where babies. Time flies so much. Twinkle little star will always remain my favorite.
Mohini Singh said…
Insy Winsy Spider has been my children's favourite.
Anonymous said…
This is a little out of my field of expertise! I do, however, have a dog, which is vaguely like having a perpetual toddler. I just sing current songs to her and replace words with dog related things.
Anonymous said…
My youngest absolutely loves the itsy bitsy spider.
Sanjota Purohit said…
I do love Johny Johny yes papa :D
We sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star every night!
D'ondra said…
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star was our go to when my kids were little.
aisasami said…
I sing a lot of nursery rhymes with my preschool students. They love them!
Polly said…
Whenever I play with my nephew, I teach him the "5 Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed" and "One, Two, Buckle my Shoe." These nursery rhymes are a great way to practice numbers and counting.
SincerelyMissJ said…
This is a hard question because my daughter seems to enjoy many of them but she does love Twinkle Twinkle light star. Helps her fall asleep.
Taylor said…
My vote is definitely Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!
Sheena Moncatar said…
This is such a cool question, I would often sing "Incy Wincy Spider" with actions and feelings, LOL. They are in awe with my rendition LOL.